
We’ve got a really nice address for this website now. Next time you check this just type in http://www.northempire.nl and you’re there. Great stuff.

Wednesday, 8 February 2012, 01:00 Bert Hekman

Line up update: Groezrock acoustic punk meeting II

Friday April 27th - 22:00h @ BBQ area at the campsite of Groezrock.

Line up so far:

Versus The World (US) - http://www.facebook.com/vstheworldmusic
Leagues Apart (UK) - http://leaguesapart.bandcamp.com/
Sweet Empire (NL) - http://sweetempire.bandcamp.com/
Ducking Punches (UK) - http://duckingpunches.bandcamp.com/
PJ Bond (US) - http://pjbondmusic.bandcamp.com/
Mark McCabe (UK) - http://markandhisguitar.bandcamp.com/
Oliver John Ward (UK) - http://oliverjohnward.bandcamp.com/
James Choice (AT) - http://jameschoice.bandcamp.com/
Translated (NL) - http://translatedpunk.bandcamp.com/
Ray Average (DE) - http://www.facebook.com/rayaverage
Slowyear (UK) - http://slowyear.bandcamp.com/
ScrXtch (NL) - http://soundcloud.com/ScrXtch
Jimmy Holland (UK) - http://jimmyholland.bandcamp.com/
The Lion And The Wolf (UK) - http://thelionandthewolf.bandcamp.com/
Rob Lynch (UK) - http://roblynch.bandcamp.com/
Violent City (BE) - http://www.facebook.com/pages/Violent-city/178129252204855
Crappy Fab (CH)- http://crappyfab.bandcamp.com/
Emma Hallows (UK) - http://emmahallows.bandcamp.com/
Social Distrust (DE) - http://www.facebook.com/socialdistrust
Barcelona DTD Punker Crew (ES) - http://www.daylightband.com/
Bad Ideas (UK) -http://badideas.bandcamp.com/
A Great Notion (UK) - http://agreatnotion.bandcamp.com/
Andrew Cream (UK) - http://andrewcream.bandcamp.com/
King Lui Van Beethoven (DE) - http://www.myspace.com/kingluirocknroll

Wednesday, 8 February 2012, 00:00 Bert Hekman

Groezrock acoustic punk meeting II

Last year we organized an acoustic show at the Groezrock campsite. The organization of the festival stole our idea and set up an actual acoustic stage but we won’t let them drag us down so we’re going to have edition II this year!

This is mainly organized and promoted via Facebook, so please check it all here. We can say it will be on the Friday night (the night before the festival starts), 22:00h, BBQ area. Lots of bands will be playing. BYOB and have a party!

The give you an idea; it’s bands/people from all over Europe who play guitar and sing a few songs.

Tuesday, 31 January 2012, 00:00 Bert Hekman